A new phase - again
I first published this post in October 2022 as I set up Foresight in the Present and I think it's timely to publish it again as we move to a new site as I regain a new focus and energy for my writing.
The New Phase
I have written to as many people as I have lists for, and posted on social media, about the closing of my Foresight Futures website (done) and my consulting business (almost done) to reflect a new phase in my life - a realistic step as I inevitably get older and want to focus on my writing. Update - this is all done now.
And Foresight in the Present is the place that holds my writing from the past and new posts I write from now on. This site is essentially the manifestation of this new phase. Update - still working on this but getting there.
I asked readers in a recent post to tell me what you wanted from the site - and yes, I know everyone is asking you to tell them what you think. I heard the sighs and the clicks of the delete button from here in Australia. I honestly don't blame you. I do it all the time. I got only one response:
I wonder about many things in this field. How can we continue to link theory and practice? How can we as a field learn together rather than compete against others? How do we relate to authoritarian governments?
These are huge questions, and I have some ideas about the second one. But the others? Not so sure. They are questions that need to be discussion in collaborative, collective conversations. And that triggered another thought. Update: still thinking about doing this as I can now manage my anxiety well - which allows me to run face-to-face sessions more effectively. Stay tuned.
I'm thinking that rather than my open unstructured sessions for members that I've been trying to get off the ground recently with little success, I instead run an online session focused on your needs where we have that collective conversation. Still open, still no presentation from me, still valuing all views respectfully. Open to all members. Update: still valid.
But I still have to find out your needs. I'm good at persevering because this is your site as well as mind - I can write and write and write and you get nothing of value from it and I don’t want that. I know I'm writing for myself but I'm writing for you too. There's no point raving on about what I think if you don't open my newsletters. If we can connect with each other at least once in a while - with rotating time zones and sessions recorded. Update: still valid.
I'm happy to run a single-topic sessions, and I can run the first one on the second question: How can we as a field learn together rather than compete against others? But for future sessions I need your help in designing and leading them please. Update: still valid and on top of my to do list.
So, let me know what you think in the comments below by clicking the first red button? Best structure for online sessions? Topics you would find useful, not just interesting? How can you participate in these sessions? Anything will help at this point. Or get in touch with me by clicking the second red button. I need your ideas.
And remember there is no such thing as a silly question in foresight and futures - all ideas welcome.
But remember, I am writing on thinking about foresight more now, now the practice of foresight, since plenty of other folks who are practitioners are doing that now. Thank you!